quarta-feira, maio 28, 2008

Descobri assim por acaso e me apaixonei.

Let it go - Fauxliage

I'll begin to let you go
When the sunlight melts the snow
Every night i drive away from you
I see the mountains i have to move

And you there
You don't care
I wonder if you

Wanted me like i wanted you
It's a lonely truth
That i can't change you
And you sure can't change me

It's hard to hell tonight to sleep
To close my eyes would admitting my defeat

And you there
You don't care
I wonder if

Wanted me like i wanted you
It's a lonely truth
That i can't change you
And you sure can't change me

Are you
Wanting me like i wanted you
It's a lonely truth
That i can't change you

And you there
You don't care
I wonder if

You wanted me like i wanted you
It's a lonely truth
That i can't change you
Wanted me like i wanted you

It's a lonely truth
That i can't change you
And you sure can't change me

4 comentários:

dade amorim disse...

Oi, Lu! Também gostei...
Beijo pra você.

Lu disse...

Você precisa escutar as outras músicas, Dade.

bete p.silva disse...

Bom de fato, salvei na minha pasta do you tube, tem outras músicas boas sim, eu vi lá.

Lu disse...

Bete, eu baixei todo o CD. Tô encantada com as músicas.